EN minimum client

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Autopoll clients could be installed "normally" by using the Autopoll setup. But to install Autopoll within a distribution software, only the following files are necessary.

Required files

The following files could be taken out of the setup.

Firebird client

The Firebird client (32-bit) consists only of the file

  • gds32.dll

which is being stored by us in \Windows\System32 and with Windows 10 and Firebird 2.5.9 also in \AutopollV4.

Autopoll client

The Autopoll client will normally be installed in C:\AutopollV4 (>= Windows 7), due to read/write-rights problems on C:\program files\AutopollV4 and the fact that C:\program files\ is not a real folder anymore. It is a virtual folder under the computer user and is only being displayed as C:\program files\ like in former Windows versions.

The Autopoll client consists of the following files

  • apv4.exe - the Autopoll application
  • apv4.ini - the Autopoll configuration file incl. the database path and the client number
  • wPDF300A.dll - library for the creation of PDFs in Autopoll (reports, invoices etc.)
  • libeay32.dll - cryptograhy for encrypted emails
  • ssleay32.dll - SSL layer for encrypted emails
  • blz.dat - check file for BLZ/BIC in companies stored in Autopoll

Foreign language client Client

  • apv4.EN - contains all words and definitions needed in Autopoll in English language
  • apv4_en.sql - necessary to change the database to English language
  • other languages accordingly

Update tools

The update tools will be installed during the update in the correct version.

  • apupdate.exe - will be required for the update to a new Autopoll version