EN cost centre

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In Autopoll cost centres can only be administrated in the company. The cost centres can only be assigned to vehicles of the corresponding/selected company.

Menu call up

At first the company has to be opened over Data-Companies. The administraion of cost centres is part of a company and is being handled over the folder "Cost Centres".

KostSt 1 EN.PNG KostSt 1 1 EN.PNG

Cost Centres list of the selected company

KostSt 2 EN.PNG

The meaning of each icon Iconuebrsicht3.png is being explained under general handling.

Cost Centres administraion

Main Cost Centre

KostSt 3 EN.PNG

Descr.: (in der betroffenen Firma) eindeutige Bezeichnung der Hauptkostenstelle

Number: (in der betroffenen Firma) einmalige Nummer der Hauptkostenstelle

Main group: Bei einer Hauptkostenstelle bleibt dieses Feld leer

Sub Cost Centre

KostSt 4 EN.PNG

Descr.: (in der betroffenen Firma) eindeutige Bezeichnung der Unterkostenstelle

Number: (in der betroffenen Firma) einmalige Nummer der Unterkostenstelle

Main group: Auswahl der Bezeichnung der Hauptkostenstelle

Assignment to a vehicle

KostSt 5 EN.PNG

Details under EN_vehicles.


Achtung.svg Due to the fact that cost centres are belonging to a company the assignment of a cost centre to a and in a vehicle has to be deleted/unassigned frist and the vehicle has to be saved, before changing the company in the corresponding vehicle to another company. (e.g. vehicle has been sold)