EN prepaid fillings: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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{{Vorlage:InArbeit|work in progress}}
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===Product registration===  
===Product registration===  
To be able to book the pre-payments, a suitable product has to be registered first. Details to products under [[EN_products|products]].
To be able to book the prepayments, a suitable product has to be registered first. Details to products under [[EN_products|products]].
===Card reader preparations===
===Card reader preparations===
Der Tankautomat muss Perioden- bzw. Abtankungslimits unterstützen. D.h. das von Autopoll vorgegebene Limit kann abgetankt werden. Der Ausweis wird vom Automaten gesperrt, wenn das Limit erreicht ist bzw. abgetankt wurde und erst wieder aktiviert, wenn Autopoll ein neues Limit liefert.
The card reader should have a periodical- or reducing-limit function. That means the limit calculated and given by Autopoll can be filled at the card reader. The card is being blocked by the card reader when the limit is reduced to zero and can only be reactivated when a new limit is transmitted from Autopoll.
Da bei der Vorauszahlung Beträge gebucht werden, sollte der Tankautomat Betragslimits unterstützen.
Due to the fact that the prepaid bookings are amount bookings, the card reader should be able to handl e amount limits.
====Configuration over Autopoll====
Bei Tankautomaten die von Autopoll entsprechend konfiguriert werden (z.B. Heconomy) muss im Tankautomat das Feld "Betragslimit" aktiviert sein. Beim Heconomy unter Einstellungen-Tankautomaten Terminals-Tankautomat öffnen-Register Geräte-Gerät öffnen-Register Stammdaten
====Configuration with Autopoll====
In card readers, which are configured with Autopoll (e.x. Heconomy), the parameter "amount limit" (preselection amount) has to be activated and sent to the card reader. (For the Heconomy: Settings - card reader terminals - open the card reader - Devices - open the device - Master files)
====Configuration over the card reader====
Bei Tankautomaten, die die Konifguration nicht über Autopoll bekommen (z.B. HecStar) muss die Konfiguration passend im Tankautomaten vorgenommen werden. Dabei sind automatenspezifische Details zu beachten. Beim HecStar zum Beispiel können Periodenlimits nicht für einen einzelnen Ausweis, sondern nur für eine ganze Kartengruppe (Ausweisart) festgelegt werden. Daher müssen die Ausweise im HecStar und in Autopoll entsprechend organisiert werden. Details unter [[VorauszahlHecstar]].
Unterstützt der Tankautomat kein Betragslimit, so sendet Autopoll ein Mengenäquivalent, welches sich auf Basis des höchsten Preises, der für den Ausweis zugelassenen Artikel ergibt. (Dieses ist aber sicherlich nur der zweitbeste Weg).
===configuration of a prepaid card===
====Configuration in the card reader====
Card readers, which are not configured with Autopoll (e.x. Hecstar), the correct configuration has to be done in the card reader directly by the card reader service personnel. Please pay attention to the card reader type specific details. E.x.: at a Hecstar periodic limits can not be configured for a single card, but only for a whole card group. Therefore the cards have to be organised correctly and matching in the Hecstar and in Autopoll. Details under [[EN_prepaid_Hecstar|prepaid Hecstar]].
Der Ausweis der als Vorauszahler genutzt werden soll, muss die entsprechende Limitart bekommen. Daten-Ausweise-Alle Einzelausweise-Ausweis öffnen-Register Parameter. Details unter [[Ausweise]]
In case of the situation that the card reader could not handle amount limits, Autopoll will calculate a quantity limit on the base of the highest price for the products assigned to the card. (But this procedure should only be the second option)
===Configuration of a prepaid card===
The card, which shall be used as prepaid-card, has to be configured with the correct limit type. Data - Cards - All Single Cards - open the card - parameters. Details unter [[EN_cards|cards]]
===Assignment to a vehicle/driver and company===
===Assignment to a vehicle/driver and company===
Vorauszahlungs-Buchungen können in Autopoll nur für Firmen über Fahrzeug und Fahrer erfolgen, daher muss der Ausweis mit einem Fahrzeug oder Fahrer verknüpft werden.  
Prepayment bookings in Autopoll can only be registered on vehilces/drivers and the correspondent company. Therefore the prepayer card has to be assigned to the correct vehilce or driver.
==Prepaid booking==
==Prepayment booking==
Auf das verknüpfte Fahrzeug kann nun eine Zahlung eingebucht werden. Unter Daten-Andere Buchungen wird die Buchung erfasst.  
Now a prepayment can be booked on the assigned vehicle. The registration will be done under Data - Other Movements.
Wichtig dabei die Buchungsart "Vorauszahlung" und der Artikel "Vorauszahler".
Important are the booking type ("Receipt texts", wrong translation, should be "prepayment") and the product ("prepayment" in our example).
Des weiteren muss der Betrag negativ erfasst werden.
Furthermore the amount/price has to be input as negative value.
==Transmission of the data to the card reader==
==Transmission of the data to the card reader==
Die veränderten Ausweise müssen nun an den TA übertragen werden.
The changed cards have to be transmitted to the card reader/s.
{{Vorlage:Achtung | '''When working with limits and mileage input at the card reader, the pollings have to separated.'''
{{Vorlage:Achtung | '''beim Arbeiten mit Limits und mit KM-Eingaben am TA müssen die Abrufe getrennt werden'''
For details read [[EN_polling_process_limits_and_mileage_input|polling process limits and mileage_input]]
'''1. Abruf aller Tankdaten von allen Tankautomaten (dabei KEINE Ausweise übertragen),'''  
'''1. polling 1 only the fillings from the card reader (thereby NO card transmission),'''  
'''2. wird mit diesen Daten eine Limitberechnung durchgeführt, (bzw. die neuen KM-Stände gesetzt)'''
'''2. the card limits will be calculated anew on the base of the new fillings, (respectively the mileage are being set)'''
'''3. Abruf bzw. Übertragung aller Ausweise mit den korrekten Limits (und KM-Ständen) an alle Tankautmonaten'''}}
'''3. polling 2 transmission of all cards with the correct limits(and mileage values) to all the card readers.'''}}
1. Abruf aller Tankdaten
1. Polling 1 only fillings
3. Übertragung der Ausweise
3. Polling 2 only the cards
==Account statement==
==Prepayer account statement==
Die Berechnung der Limits erfolgt auf Grund der geleisteten Zahlungen und der getätigten (Ab-)Tankungen. Diese kann einen langen Zeitraum umfassen, der sensibel auf jede Änderung reagiert. Daher ist es sinnvoll jeden Monat einen Kontoauszug zu erzeugen. Dabei werden die Buchungen und Tankungen ab dem letzten Kontoauszug addiert und ein neuer Endwert festgeschrieben. Dieser ist dann sicherer gegen Manipulation oder Fehleingaben.
The limit calculation will be done on the base of the prepayments and the stored fillings. This calculation could cover a long period and therefore reacts very sensitive on every change or false entry. Due to this fact it is recommended to execute the prepayer account statement on a monthly basis. During the creation of the account statement the prepayment bookings and fillings since the last account statement are being taken into account and a new closing entry value is being calculated and fixed, which is afterwards the base of the next account statement creation. Working with monthly closing entry values protects the whole prepayment process from manipulations and false entries.
===Menu call up===
===Menu call up===
Unter Auswertungen-Vorauszahler wird die Erstellung des Konotauszuges geöffnet.
Under Evaluations-Prepayer the report of the account statement is being opened.
===Test run===
===Test run===
Im Probelauf wird ein Kontoauszug, aber '''keine''' Abschlussbuchung erzeugt.
During the test run an account statement is being reported, but '''no''' closing entry is being booked.
===Production run - real account statement===
===Production run - real account statement===
{{Vorlage:Achtung | Führen Sie den Kontoauszug regelmäßg im Reallauf durch.}}  
{{Vorlage:Achtung | It is recommended to execute the report account statement in production run on a regular basis. Most customers do it monthly.}}  
Wie bei allen Auswertungen wird erst ein Zwischenergebnis angezeigt, welches die Anzahl zu verarbeitener Sätze angibt, sowie Wiederholung und Neu-Berechnung [[Preisberechnung|fester Preise]] ermöglicht.
Like in most of the Autopoll reports the affected transactions will be counted first and it is possible to repeat the report and/or to recalculate the prices.
===Account statement===
===Account statement===
Dieser Auszug kann dann für Nachfragen des Kunden archiviert oder an den Kunden überreicht werden.
After the creation the prepayer account statement can be stored for later questioning by the customer or can be handed over to the customer.
==Re-use of a prepaid card==
Wenn ein Vorauszahlerausweis zurückgegeben oder eingezogen wurde und erneut verwendet werden soll, muss sichergestellt sein, dass seine "alten" Buchungen nicht in die aktuelle Berechnung einfliessen. Da das Fahrzeug quasi als "Konto" verwendet wird über das die Buchungen verwaltet werden, besteht die Lösung darin, ein neues Fahrzeug mit dem Ausweis zu verknüpfen. Damit bleiben die bisherigen Buchungen erhalten und nachvollziehbar. Die neuen Buchungen erfolgen auf einem leeren Konto (Fahrzeug) ohne Vorgeschichte.
==Re-use of a prepayer card==
If a prepayer card is being returned or confiscated and shall be used again, it has to be secured that the "old" bookings are not integrated in the actual calculation. Because of the fact that the vehicle is the "account" on which the bookings are being done and administrated, the only solution is to register a new vehicle and assign it to the corresponding prepayer card. With this procedure the existing bookings stay unharmed and comprehensible. The new bookings run on a new account(vehicle) with no history.
==Refund of the remaining amount when the prepaid card is returned==
==Refund of the remaining amount when the prepayer card is returned==
Wird eine Vorauszahlerkarte zurückgegeben und es wurde noch nicht der gesamte, vorausgezahlte Betrag abgetankt, muss/kann/wird dem Kunden der Restbetrag ausbezahlt werden. Um diese Vorauszahlerkarten-Abwicklung buchhalterisch auszugleichen, muss diese Rückzahlung im Autopoll gebucht werden. Dazu muss in Autopoll unter Daten-Tankdaten eine manuelle Tankung erfasst werden. Folgende Werte sind dabei zu beachten:
If a prepayer card is being returned and the prepaid amount was not filled completely, the prepaid card owner has the right to get the remaining amount refunded. To balance the prepayer card for the accounting the refund has to be booked in Autopoll. Therefore a manual filling has to be registered under Data - Fillings. You have to pay attention on the following values:
* Datum/Zeit = Datum der Rückzahlung an den Kunden
* Date/Time = Date and time of the pay-out
* Artikel = "Vorauszahlung"
* Product = "prepayment"
* Menge = 1
* Volume = 1
* Preis = ausbezahlter Restbetrag
* Receipt price = paid out remaining amount
* Firma = die Firma unter der im Autopoll alle Vorauszahlerkarten gebucht wurden
* Company = the company in Autopoll on which all prepayment bookings are being done
* Fahrzeug = das betroffene Fahrzeug
* Vehicle = the affected vehicle
Nach dieser Buchung sollte der Vorauszahlöerbericht für diese Vorauszahlerkarte bzw. für dieses Fahrzeug eine Null als Ergebnis liefern.
After this booking the account statement of the corresponding prepayer card respectively the vehicle shall report a zero as result.
==Additional hints==
==Additional hints==
* Für Betragslimits benötigt der TA 2331 R3 mind. den EPROM Stand 11.
* For the amount limit function the card reader of type CR 2331 R3 requires at least E-prom release 11.
* Tankungen führen nur zu einer Reduzierung des Limits, wenn Sie dem Fahrzeug, welches dem Ausweis zugeordnet ist, zugeordnet werden.
* Fillings will only reduce the limits, when they are assigned to the vehicle, which is assigned to the card.
* Bitte beachten Sie für den Hecstar die erweiterte [[VorauszahlHecStar|Beschreibung]].
* For the card reader of type Hecstar please read the extended [[EN_prepaid_Hecstar|description]].
[[Kategorie:EN_Plus]] [[Kategorie:EN_E1441]]
[[Kategorie:EN_Plus]] [[Kategorie:EN_E1441]]

Aktuelle Version vom 23. April 2021, 13:01 Uhr


With the function "prepaid fillings" payments can be booked in advance on a company, which can be filled at the card reader afterwards. These prepayments are being booked on a vehicle of the corresponding company, which has to be assigned to a card. For adminstration and control purposes an account statement for the prepayments and the fillings is available.


  • Autopoll PLUS variant is required
  • available from Autopoll version 3.5
  • last bugfixing in version FR01 (Jan. 2015).
  • Autopoll extension E1441 Modul P1: extended invoicing is required
  • a card reader type with a periodical limit, at best the card reader is able to work with an amount limit


Product registration

To be able to book the prepayments, a suitable product has to be registered first. Details to products under products.

Prepay 1.png

Card reader preparations

The card reader should have a periodical- or reducing-limit function. That means the limit calculated and given by Autopoll can be filled at the card reader. The card is being blocked by the card reader when the limit is reduced to zero and can only be reactivated when a new limit is transmitted from Autopoll.

Due to the fact that the prepaid bookings are amount bookings, the card reader should be able to handl e amount limits.

Configuration with Autopoll

Prepay 2.png

In card readers, which are configured with Autopoll (e.x. Heconomy), the parameter "amount limit" (preselection amount) has to be activated and sent to the card reader. (For the Heconomy: Settings - card reader terminals - open the card reader - Devices - open the device - Master files)

Configuration in the card reader

Card readers, which are not configured with Autopoll (e.x. Hecstar), the correct configuration has to be done in the card reader directly by the card reader service personnel. Please pay attention to the card reader type specific details. E.x.: at a Hecstar periodic limits can not be configured for a single card, but only for a whole card group. Therefore the cards have to be organised correctly and matching in the Hecstar and in Autopoll. Details under prepaid Hecstar.

In case of the situation that the card reader could not handle amount limits, Autopoll will calculate a quantity limit on the base of the highest price for the products assigned to the card. (But this procedure should only be the second option)

Configuration of a prepaid card

Prepay 3.png

The card, which shall be used as prepaid-card, has to be configured with the correct limit type. Data - Cards - All Single Cards - open the card - parameters. Details unter cards

Assignment to a vehicle/driver and company

Prepay 4.png

Prepayment bookings in Autopoll can only be registered on vehilces/drivers and the correspondent company. Therefore the prepayer card has to be assigned to the correct vehilce or driver.

Prepayment booking

Prepay 5.png

Now a prepayment can be booked on the assigned vehicle. The registration will be done under Data - Other Movements.

Important are the booking type ("Receipt texts", wrong translation, should be "prepayment") and the product ("prepayment" in our example).

Furthermore the amount/price has to be input as negative value.

Transmission of the data to the card reader

The changed cards have to be transmitted to the card reader/s.

Achtung.svg When working with limits and mileage input at the card reader, the pollings have to separated.

For details read polling process limits and mileage_input

1. polling 1 only the fillings from the card reader (thereby NO card transmission),

2. the card limits will be calculated anew on the base of the new fillings, (respectively the mileage are being set)

3. polling 2 transmission of all cards with the correct limits(and mileage values) to all the card readers.

Prepay 6.png

1. Polling 1 only fillings

Prepay 7.png

3. Polling 2 only the cards

Prepayer account statement

The limit calculation will be done on the base of the prepayments and the stored fillings. This calculation could cover a long period and therefore reacts very sensitive on every change or false entry. Due to this fact it is recommended to execute the prepayer account statement on a monthly basis. During the creation of the account statement the prepayment bookings and fillings since the last account statement are being taken into account and a new closing entry value is being calculated and fixed, which is afterwards the base of the next account statement creation. Working with monthly closing entry values protects the whole prepayment process from manipulations and false entries.

Menu call up

Under Evaluations-Prepayer the report of the account statement is being opened.

Prepay 8.png

Test run

Prepay 9.png

During the test run an account statement is being reported, but no closing entry is being booked.

Production run - real account statement

Achtung.svg It is recommended to execute the report account statement in production run on a regular basis. Most customers do it monthly.

Prepay 10.png

Prepay 12.png

Like in most of the Autopoll reports the affected transactions will be counted first and it is possible to repeat the report and/or to recalculate the prices.

Account statement

After the creation the prepayer account statement can be stored for later questioning by the customer or can be handed over to the customer.

Prepay 11.png

Re-use of a prepayer card

If a prepayer card is being returned or confiscated and shall be used again, it has to be secured that the "old" bookings are not integrated in the actual calculation. Because of the fact that the vehicle is the "account" on which the bookings are being done and administrated, the only solution is to register a new vehicle and assign it to the corresponding prepayer card. With this procedure the existing bookings stay unharmed and comprehensible. The new bookings run on a new account(vehicle) with no history.

Refund of the remaining amount when the prepayer card is returned

If a prepayer card is being returned and the prepaid amount was not filled completely, the prepaid card owner has the right to get the remaining amount refunded. To balance the prepayer card for the accounting the refund has to be booked in Autopoll. Therefore a manual filling has to be registered under Data - Fillings. You have to pay attention on the following values:

  • Date/Time = Date and time of the pay-out
  • Product = "prepayment"
  • Volume = 1
  • Receipt price = paid out remaining amount
  • Company = the company in Autopoll on which all prepayment bookings are being done
  • Vehicle = the affected vehicle

After this booking the account statement of the corresponding prepayer card respectively the vehicle shall report a zero as result.

Additional hints

  • For the amount limit function the card reader of type CR 2331 R3 requires at least E-prom release 11.
  • Fillings will only reduce the limits, when they are assigned to the vehicle, which is assigned to the card.
  • For the card reader of type Hecstar please read the extended description.