EN mileage control: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Mit dieser Funktion können, als Vorbereitung für eine anschließende Fahrzeuganalyse, die Kilometerstände aller Fahrzeuge auf Richtigkeit und Analysierbarkeit hin kontrolliert und im Bedarfsfall sofort bearbeitet werden. Diese Funktion wird bei vielen Fahrzeugen und/oder häufig falschen km-Ständen empfohlen.
As preparartion for a following vehicle consumption analysis, it is possible with this function to check the mileage values of all vehicles on correctness and the processibility  of the subsequent analysis before executing the vehicle consumption analysis. During that pre-analysis it is possible to directly correct mileage values in the corresponding fillings if necessary. This function is recommended for customers with a lot of vehicles and/or often wrong entered mileage values.
Zeile 9: Zeile 8:
==Menu call up==
==Menu call up==
'''von:''' Auswahl ab welchem Datum die Fahrzeuge kontrolliert werden sollen
'''from:''' selection from which date on the vehicles should be checked
'''bis:''' Auswahl bis zu welchem Datum die Fahrzeuge kontrolliert werden sollen
'''to:''' selection to which date the vehicles should be checked
'''Fehlertoleranz (%):''' Eingabe wie hoch die Toleranz in Prozent sein darf
'''Fehlertoleranz (%) (fault tolerance):''' input the tolerance value as percentage rate
Auswahlzeitraum 01.01.2016 - 31.03.2016 bei Analyseprofil-Werten von min. 10 km und max. 4000 km.
Selected periode 01.01.2016 - 31.03.2016 with configured analysing values (analyse profile) of min. 10 km to max. 4000 km.
Damit das Bild des Fahrzeuges in Bezug auf dessen KM-Standshistorie vollständig ist, werden vor den schwarzen Tankungen des Auswahlzeitraumes auch graue Tankungen, die vor dem Auswahlzeitraum statt gefunden haben, aufgelistet.  
To present a more detailed picture of the mileage situation (mileage history) of the vehicles, not only the fillings of the vehicles of the selected periode are being displayed (in black), but also the fillings of the vehicles before the selected periode (in light grey).
===Driven mileage not calculable===
===Driven mileage not calculable===
====Case 1====
====Case 1====
'''Reason:''' Es wurden keine Kilometerstände erfasst bzw. am Tankautomaten eingegeben.
'''Reason:''' No mileage values have been entered manually or at the card readers.
'''Guess:''' Bei diesem Fahrzeug wurden noch nie Kilometerstände am Tankautomaten abgefragt.
'''Guess:''' For this vehicle the input of mileage values never had been active.
'''Solution 1:''' Dieses Fahrzeug aus der Fahrzeuganalyse rausnehmen.
'''Solution 1:''' Deactivate the vehicle consumption analysis for that vehicle.
'''Solution 2:''' Den Ausweis dieses Fahrzeuges kontrollieren und die Kilometerstands-Eingabe am Tankautomaten aktivieren. Die alten Kilometerstände, wenn vorhanden, nacherfassen.
'''Solution 2:''' Check the card to which this vehcile is assigned to, activate the mileage input in the card, send the card to the card reader and re-enter the mileage values in the existing fillings manually if possible.
====Case 2====
====Case 2====
'''Reason:''' Die Kilometerstände sind zwar in einer korrekten, aufsteigenden Reihenfolge, aber die Kilometerstands-Differenz zwischen der markierten Tankung und der Tankung davor liegt ausserhalb der Grenzwerte die im Analyseprofil eingestellt wurden.
'''Reason:''' The mileage values are in a correct and ascending order, but the difference between the marked filling and the last filling before is higher than the limit values configured in the analysing profile.
'''Guess:''' Eine Tankung wurde nicht erfasst, evtl. eine Tankung an einer Fremdtankstelle.
'''Guess:''' One filling is missing, maybe a filling done at a foreign card reader or fuel station
'''Solution 1:''' Kontrollieren, ob eine Tankung fehlt. Die fehlende Tankung nacherfassen.
'''Solution 1:''' Check whether fillings are missing. If necessary enter the missing fillings manually.
'''Solution 2:''' Kontrollieren, ob das Analyseprofil angepasst werden muss.
'''Solution 2:''' Check whether the analysing profile has to be adjusted. (min or max value).
===Driven mileage too high===
===Driven mileage too high===
'''Reason:''' Die Kilometerstände sind nicht in einer korrekten, aufsteigenden Reihenfolge. Der Kilometerstand der markierten Tankung ist zu hoch.
'''Reason:''' The mileage values are not in a correct ascending order: The mileage of the marked filling is too high.
'''Guess:''' Ein Zahlendreher bei der Kilometerstands-Eingabe am Tankautomaten. Statt einer 3 an der ersten Stelle, wurde eine 8 eingetippt.
'''Guess:''' A transposed digit while entering the value at the card reader. Instead of 3, 8 was being entered.
'''Solution:''' Wie unter 6. beschrieben den Kilometerstand korrigieren.
'''Solution:''' Correct the mileage value like explained under item 6.
===Driven mileage too low===
===Driven mileage too low===
'''Reason:''' Die Kilometerstände sind nicht in einer korrekten, aufsteigenden Reihenfolge. Der Kilometerstand der markierten Tankung ist zu niedirg.
'''Reason:''' The mileage values are not in a correct ascending order: The mileage of the marked filling is too low.
'''Guess:''' Ein Problem bei der Kilometerstands-Eingabe am Tankautomaten. Die 2. oder 3. Stelle wurde nicht eingetippt.
'''Guess:''' A problem while entering the value at the card reader. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd digit was forgotten to enter.
'''Solution:''' Wie unter 6. beschrieben den Kilometerstand korrigieren.
'''Solution:''' Correct the mileage value like explained under item 6.
Zeile 93: Zeile 92:
Open the marked filling with a double click.
Open the marked filling with a double click.
Den Wert im Feld "KmStand" korrigieren und die Tankung abspeichern.
Change the value in field "Odometer R." and save the filling.
Wird der Haken "geprüfter KmStand (FzAnalyse)" gesetzt wird der KM-Standswert so wie er eingegeben wurde akzeptiert.  
If "geprüfter KmStand (FzAnalyse)" is being activated, the mileage value will be accepted (in the mileage control) like entered.
Wird der Haken '''nicht''' gesetzt, muss der neue Km-Stand in die Regeln passen.
If "geprüfter KmStand (FzAnalyse)" is '''not''' being activated, the new mileage value shall be according to the rules.

Aktuelle Version vom 30. Oktober 2020, 15:15 Uhr


As preparartion for a following vehicle consumption analysis, it is possible with this function to check the mileage values of all vehicles on correctness and the processibility of the subsequent analysis before executing the vehicle consumption analysis. During that pre-analysis it is possible to directly correct mileage values in the corresponding fillings if necessary. This function is recommended for customers with a lot of vehicles and/or often wrong entered mileage values.


Menu call up

En mileage control 1.png


En mileage control 2.png

from: selection from which date on the vehicles should be checked

to: selection to which date the vehicles should be checked

Fehlertoleranz (%) (fault tolerance): input the tolerance value as percentage rate


Selected periode 01.01.2016 - 31.03.2016 with configured analysing values (analyse profile) of min. 10 km to max. 4000 km.

En mileage control 3.png

To present a more detailed picture of the mileage situation (mileage history) of the vehicles, not only the fillings of the vehicles of the selected periode are being displayed (in black), but also the fillings of the vehicles before the selected periode (in light grey).

Driven mileage not calculable

Case 1

En mileage control 4.png

Reason: No mileage values have been entered manually or at the card readers.

Guess: For this vehicle the input of mileage values never had been active.

Solution 1: Deactivate the vehicle consumption analysis for that vehicle.

Solution 2: Check the card to which this vehcile is assigned to, activate the mileage input in the card, send the card to the card reader and re-enter the mileage values in the existing fillings manually if possible.

Case 2

En mileage control 5.png

Reason: The mileage values are in a correct and ascending order, but the difference between the marked filling and the last filling before is higher than the limit values configured in the analysing profile.

Guess: One filling is missing, maybe a filling done at a foreign card reader or fuel station

Solution 1: Check whether fillings are missing. If necessary enter the missing fillings manually.

Solution 2: Check whether the analysing profile has to be adjusted. (min or max value).

Driven mileage too high

En mileage control 6.png

Reason: The mileage values are not in a correct ascending order: The mileage of the marked filling is too high.

Guess: A transposed digit while entering the value at the card reader. Instead of 3, 8 was being entered.

Solution: Correct the mileage value like explained under item 6.

Driven mileage too low

En mileage control 7.png

Reason: The mileage values are not in a correct ascending order: The mileage of the marked filling is too low.

Guess: A problem while entering the value at the card reader. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd digit was forgotten to enter.

Solution: Correct the mileage value like explained under item 6.

Mileage correction

Open the marked filling with a double click.

En mileage control 8.png

Change the value in field "Odometer R." and save the filling.

If "geprüfter KmStand (FzAnalyse)" is being activated, the mileage value will be accepted (in the mileage control) like entered.

If "geprüfter KmStand (FzAnalyse)" is not being activated, the new mileage value shall be according to the rules.